
On Policies that Impact the Youths of Vermont

January 30, 2024

In 2022, Act 109 created the Vermont State Youth Council, now composed of 28 youth who represent many aspects of the diversity of Vermont’s young people. The Council reflects the ideal that all are able to use their voice to make change at the highest levels, regardless of a vote.

Each of the Vermont State Youth Council’s five subcommittees—Climate Change; Education; Equity and Anti-Racism; Youth Mental Health; and Youth Voice—has produced recommendations related to their focus area, which are presented herein alongside recommendations from the full Council “on the participation of young persons in Vermont's economy and keeping young Vermonters in the State“ and “the preservation of Vermont’s traditions and the future of Vermont’s rural character, activities, and professions.”

Young people in Vermont are diverse in many ways, including ideas and opinions, thus we hope to broaden input to inform our future recommendations. Nevertheless, presenting the Council’s first recommendations to the Governor and General Assembly of Vermont today represents a tremendous step for all Vermonters, and opens a door of opportunity for many.

Respectfully submitted,

Joshua Stearn